HJFMRI or locally known as Waiter Reed Program-Tanzania" is a United States of America federally funded program which supports PEPFAR activities in the Republic of Tanzania. The HJFMRI program, in collaboration with the MoHCDGEC and community NGOs, has been leading a comprehensive HIV and AIDS care and support program in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania since 2004. The program, which is sub-contracting with Regional Health Management Teams (RHMTS) and 14 community outreach partners, extends to 25 district councils in Mbeya, Songwe, Rukwa, Katavi and Ruvuma Regions. Collectively, this zone, which has one of the highest 1-HV prevalence rates in Tanzania, represents a catchment area with close to 6 million people (13% of the population of Tanzania mainland). Despite remarkable achievements made over the past 10 years, the expansion of HIV care and treatment interventions still remains critical both at the facility as well as the community level.

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