M&E Project Specialist  
Based in Iringa  
We are an international NGO with a strong footprint in Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania: In these countries our 3,000+ strong staff serves over 400,000 smallholding farmers and helps them to grow their way out of hunger and poverty.

The M&E Project Specialist will work closely with M&E leadership on design, planning, execution and analysis of surveys. These surveys will range from assessing core program impact to strategic inquiry for future program growth. You will be responsible for working with an existent field-facing department, coordinating their activities with the larger M&E goals of One Acre Fund Tanzania and One Acre Fund globally. You will be responsible for the professional development of senior staff in a growing team. You will work with M&E leadership to conduct targeted analysis and provide actionable recommendations to drive organizational decision-making.
Click to View Position Description 

Our Requirements 
 Graduate of 4-year university (mandatory) 
 Graduate degree in sciences (preferred) 
 2-5 years practical experience working on data collection in a rural setting 
 Practical experience writing surveys for field data collection 
 Fluency in Microsoft Excel 
 Comfort and sensitivity working in a multicultural environment that spans six countries and two continents 
 Fluency in Microsoft Excel, specifically: o Ability to design basic data entry spreadsheets in database format using data validation o Ability to extract summary statistics using both pivot tables and formulae 
 Experience in statistical packages such as SPSS, STATA or R 
 Ability to analyse data and provide specific, actionable recommendations from it 
 Proven ability to teach/mentor others 
 Excellent ability to communicate clearly both verbally and in writing  Integrity in use of One Acre Fund resources 
 Open to feedback, willing to admit mistakes and learn from them  Fluent Business and Conversational English 
 Ability to live and work in Iringa and/or Mbeya regions   

If you feel motivated to work for One Acre Fund as the M&E Project Specialist and if you fulfill our requirements for this role, we look forward to receiving your application by 31st May, 2017.   


You will be prompted to a form that must be completed.  At the end of the form you will have the opportunity to write a motivational letter and upload your CV. 

Please Note: One Acre Fund will never ask you for money in return for advancement in the recruitment process or for being offered a position.   

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