Date posted:2 hours ago
Salary:Contact Employer
Job type:Full-time
Date posted:2020-03-20
Expiration time:2020-05-19
Country: Afghanistan
Organization: Danish People's Aid
Closing date: 20 April 2020

Purpose of the consultancy:
To do an external, independent evaluation of the project Emergency Relief to the affected IDP’s in the Kunduz city, Afghanistan, implemented by ORD (local partner) with the support of Danish People’s Aid (DPA, the Danish partner).

In November 2019, ORD and DPA began the implementation of the project mentioned above with the overall objective of contributing to saving lives and to increase the coping capacity of vulnerable populations affected by clashes between the Taleban and the Afghan Security Forces in Kunduz city of Afghanistan by May, 2020.
The project’s immediate objectives are:
Protecting IDPs in precarious situations affected by conflicts between non-governmental Armed Groups NAGs and Afghan Security Forces ASF. 

The most vulnerable IDPs sustains their basic living conditions by receiving cash assistance. 

· 738 most vulnerable households received a Multi-Purpose Cash (MPC) Assistance Package based on the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) during two months are thus enable to address basic needs.
· Establishment of 15 IDP committees in order to help in identification, selection of vulnerable IDP committees and cash distribution for the conflict affected IDP’s.
The project ends by the 20 of May 2020, and the project partners therefore wish to undertake an external evaluation. 

The evaluation report must be finalized before the 10 of June 2020.
Background documents:
The consultant will receive the following background documents:
· Project proposal
· Grant agreement and conditions letter from CISU
· Implementation guidelines from CISU
· Access to project relevant documents from ORD
· Other documentation relating to project activities
The consultant is expected to engage with some of the intended beneficiaries to establish impact of the project activities through interviews in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
The consultant should produce an evaluation report in English with a length of 12-14 pages (excluding annexures). 

The Report will be posted on the DPA and the donor’s websites, and therefore all beneficiaries must be anonymous in the report. 

Criteria for Evaluation:
The evaluation should be based on the Principles for Evaluation of Development Assistance as set out by OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and the CHS on quality and accountability summarized below:
To what extent are the objectives of the project still valid?

Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the overall objective and the attainment of its objectives?

Are the activities and outputs of the project consistent with the intended impacts and effects?

To what extent were the objectives achieved / are likely to be achieved?

What were the major factors influencing the achievement or non-achievement of the objectives?

Were activities cost-efficient?

Were objectives achieved on time?

Was the project implemented in the most efficient way compared to alternatives?

What has happened as a result of the project?

What real difference has the activity made to the beneficiaries?

How many people have been affected?

To what extent will the benefits of project continue after donor funding cease?

23th April, 2020 - Contract start date
25th – 28th May 2020 - Field work in Afghanistan
4th June, 2020 - Submission of first draft
10th June, 2020 - Submission of final draft
20th June, 2020 - Contract end date
Liaison and administrative support:
The consultancy will be managed by DPA Headquarters in Denmark and DPA field office in Kabul (DAARTT). 

The contact person in DPA Denmark will be the Humanitarian Coordinator; 


Christian Cramon, email: cc@folkehjaelp.dk , Tel: +45 70 220 230.
The contact person from DPA in Kabul is the Humanitarian Coordinator, Mr. 

Mohammad Salim Kohi, who will assist the consultant in access to documents on the local project monitoring.
The contact person at ORD is the Director, Mr. 

Mohamad Khalid Salimee, who will assist the consultant with access to intended beneficiaries. 

The consultant is expected to be available on skype, and provide own computer, telephone, etc.
DPA will cover expenses for flight to and from Somalia, accommodation, local transport while in the field and visa fees etc. 

DPA reserves the right to make changes to the TOR.

Send an estimated bid on the task including all work hours to cc@folkehjaelp.dk before the deadline the 20th of April.
The bid estimation should include daily wages and all expenditures.

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